
Heathlands Primary Academy

Home Page Coastal Learning Partnership

The School Day

Reception start of day

Drop off in front playground, gates and doors are open at 8.40am. There is a member of EY staff on the door and children should go straight to class where another member of staff will welcome them and settle them into their early learning task. 

Learning starts promptly at 8.50am.


KS1 start of day

Drop off by the CLP entrance, gates are open at 8.40am and a member of the Senior team will be there. Children should go straight to class where a member of class staff will welcome them and settle them into their early learning task. 

Learning starts promptly at 8.50am and gates will close at this time.


KS2 start of day

Drop off using hall doors, doors are open at 8.40am. A senior member of staff will be on the doors to greet them. Children should go straight to class where a member of staff will welcome them and settle them into their early learning task. 

Learning starts promptly at 8.50am.


End of day


Reception finish at 3.00pm - collection from EY entrance.

Y1 and 2 finish at 3.10pm - collection from CLP entrance.

Y3 children finish at 3.10pm - collection from the hall entrance.

Y4, Y5 and Y6 children finish at 3.10pm - collection from the hall.

Y5 and 6 children may walk home alone if a permission form is signed. Please see the office if you wish for your child to do this. 



Morning session 8:45 - 11:45

Afternoon session 12:30 - 3:30

Whole day 9:00 - 3:00

Children are dropped off and collected from the Early Years entrance.


End of Day

We respectfully ask that parents do not arrive before 14.45 in the afternoon for collection as this is unnecessary. Once you have collected your child please do not stay to chat as this prevents others from parking and being late to collect. 


Time away from school

The law states that parents / carers have a duty to ensure their children received a suitable education and do not have the automatic right to take their children out of school.  From September 2013 the Government  has said schools will not be able to authorise any holiday in term time.  The Local Authority can issue Penalty Notices or institute legal proceedings if parents or carers do not co-operate in ensuring their child's attendance at school. Any absence should be for exceptional circumstances and time limited to what is necessary.


All absences from school must be requested on the appropriate form held in the school office.  This includes absences for medical appointments, including hospital and counselling appointments.  In addition parents / carers will need to bring any letter or documentation detailing the absence to the school office so the school can take a copy.  For example, a letter from the hospital. Where possible please schedule appointments outside of the school day.


The law requires us to regard any absence or lateness for which we do not have a reasonable explanation and evidence where it exists to be recorded as 'unauthorised'. 

Emergency School Closures

During the day

In extreme circumstances (severe weather or failure of the heating system for example) it may be necessary to close the school early.  If this should happen, we will contact parents initially by text via Group Call.  We will follow this up with individual phone calls depending on the nature of the closure.  It is essential that we have contact details for all our families including friends/extended family should parents be unable to come into school. You should provide school with at least two emergency contact numbers who will answer the phone.


Before the School Day starts

In the event of severe weather meaning that the school cannot open in the morning, we will send parents a Groupcall text and post a message on our website.  We will also put out a message on the local radio.  If parents do not receive a message before 8.15am then the school is safe to open and children should come in. One of the considerations the school has when making a decision not to open is the safety of staff travelling in from outside the local area and the impact travel difficulties for them may have on the pupil to staff ratio.  We will always do our best to ensure the school is open in the event of weather disruption, it just may look different to normal that day.  

