
Heathlands Primary Academy

Home Page Coastal Learning Partnership


Quality First Teaching at Heathlands Primary Academy and Pre-school

Curriculum Intent

Vocabulary Builders

As one of our curriculum drivers is communication, we aim to give our children the very best start when developing their vocabulary.


In all subjects, high quality texts are used to support learning throughout the curriculum, in addition to discrete reading sessions.


Each half term, teachers think carefully about the new vocabulary that they want children to learn. Then, they send out a vocabulary builder to all children. This goes home, so that children can practise their new words at home as well as at school. These are also on display in classes and regularly referred to by teachers during lessons. 


These are updated on the website each term, and can be found when you click on the year group pages in the 'learning' tab. 

RSE Parent information recording of presentation - KS2

Still image for this video

RSE Parent information recording of presentation - EYFS and KS1

Still image for this video


Children from Reception to Year 6 will be asked to complete homework appropriate to their age and learning. 

This will usually take the form of:

  • 3x Weekly reading which should be recorded in the child's Reading Log
  • Learning / Practicing multiplication tables or other number facts set by the teacher

Modern Foreign Languages


Modern Foreign Languages are statutory for all children to be taught in KS2. Children at Heathlands started learning French for the first time in January 2021. Due to this delay, a staggered programme has been implemented to ensure that children move through a scheme designed to give them the skills and vocabulary to progress into the next level of their education. 

We are very fortunate at Heathlands Primary Academy and Pre-school. We have a lot of outdoor space, including our Forest School area - "The Spinney". 


In Pre-school and Reception, children have access to this area twice a week. They do lots of outdoor learning with their adults, and have a great time getting muddy while they learn!


Some of our older children also access this area as part of their learning. Sometimes they work with their class teachers, and sometimes they spend time with a Level 3 qualified Forest School Leader. During these sessions the children have the opportunity to learn all about teamwork, risk assessment and having fun by the campfire. 
