
Heathlands Primary Academy

Home Page Coastal Learning Partnership




We have a duty under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to have in place a behaviour policy that is consistent throughout the school. At Heathlands Primary Academy and Pre-school we believe that we promote good behaviour by creating a happy, caring school environment where everyone feels valued, respected, secure and free from all forms of anti-social behaviour. We encourage pupils to achieve in a learning environment where self-discipline is promoted and good behaviour is the norm. We believe pupils will achieve their full potential in a happy, stimulating and ordered school environment.

Rewards and Incentives


Celebration Assembly

Every Monday the school holds a Celebration Assembly.  Certificates are awarded to one child in each class who has followed our school values of Respect, Excellence and Integrity.  The child selected also attends afternoon tea with a member of SLT on a Monday afternoon. 


A certificate is also awarded to one child per class for wonderful learning, this can be a child who has improved in an area of their learning, or has produced exceptional work.  


House Points

We have 4 houses, named after elements. 








House points are given and recorded by staff using the Trackit Lights system. These are given to pupils by staff as a reward for positive behaviours that reflect our school values (Respect, Excellence & Integrity).


The house points count towards our annual inter-house competition.


In addition, pupils can earn certificates for reaching milestones in the number of house points they have earned - Bronze, Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Rainbow.

Heathlands Behaviour Policy

Anti Bullying

Our anti bullying champion in school is Mrs. Walpole.

If you are concerned that your child is being bullied please contact the class teacher in the first instance and then Mrs. Walpole if you don't feel your concerns are addressed. Mrs. Walpole and class teachers will liaise with Senior Leaders and the pastoral care team. Please see our behaviour policy for a more detailed view on how we respond to bullying.


If you need help or advice about bullying there are helplines and websites that can provide you with information and support:




  • ChildLine: ChildLine is the UK's free, confidential helpline for children and young people. They offer advice and support, by phone and online, 24 hours a day. Whenever and wherever you need them, they'll be there. Call 0800 1111. They have a designated page for bullying issues that includes a new video about building up your confidence after bullying.
  • Direct Gov: Information for young people on cyberbullying, bullying on social networks, Internet and email bullying, bullying on mobile phones, bullying at school, what to do about bullying, and information and advice for people who are bullying others and want to stop.
  • EACH : EACH has a freephone Helpline for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment: 0808 1000 143. It’s open Monday to Friday 10am-5pm.
  • Victim Support: They offer support to young people affected by crime. Their Children and Young People's (CYP) Service also deals with cases of bullying; offering advice and working with professionals to ensure young people get the support they need. You can call their Supportline for free on 08 08 16 89 111

Anti Bullying Protocol - please also refer to our behaviour policy
