
Heathlands Primary Academy

Home Page Coastal Learning Partnership


Special Education Needs and Disability

At Heathlands we have a very dedicated team of teachers and Learning Support Assistants who can offer a range of support to all children with special educational needs and disabilities.


We appreciate that children’s mental and emotional health can have a direct impact on their academic performance so we have people who are trained to run interventions (groups or 1:1) to help in this area. These include:

  • Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA)
  • Think Bricks
  • Pastoral Support Groups


During their time in school many children may need a bit of support in their academic work and we offer short or long term support for children in:

  • Handwriting
  • Fine motor skills
  • Reading
  • Phonics
  • Maths
  • Speech, language and communication
  • English as an additional language


As well has having a wealth of experience within school  we have close working relationships with a variety of outside agencies including Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Service, community paediatricians and CAMHS. If necessary we can refer children to these services to get a bespoke package of support.


Speaking and listening are important skills for learning. When children have difficulties in either of these areas then we initially take advice from the speech and language service.  Following their assessment individual programmes are carried out by our TAs under the guidance of a speech and language therapist or assistance. Therapy sessions with the therapists are carried out either online (via Attend Anywhere) or in person in school.


At Heathlands we aim to be fully inclusive, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) being met wherever possible. We have an open door policy and the SENDCo is always happy to talk about any specific concerns and to work with families to help their children in all aspects of their learning.


Our Inclusion Leader is Mrs Sam Harris, she is our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator).


You can contact the SENDCo on  or call the main school office 

Policy Documents


You can view our Intimate Care Policy here


To view the following policies please click here

  • SEND and Inclusion
  • First Aid and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

External Links

What are you doing - a film about autism (film trailer).mp4

Still image for this video

BBC - My Autism and Me.mp4

Still image for this video