We are pleased to offer children a place in Caterpillars, our Preschool, starting the term after their third birthday when the 15 hour/ 30 hour funding begins.
We offer up to 15 hours free funding for all children and up to 30 hours free funding for those families that are eligible. We are flexible in how you choose to take your hours. Please speak to Mrs. Yannick about your requirements.
Morning Sessions - 8.45 am - 11.45 am
Afternoon Sessions - 12.30 - 3.00 pm
Full day sessions running 9.00am-3.00pm
If you only qualify for 15 hours of funding, but would like extra sessions, these are available at a cost of £5 per hour until 3.00pm.
Food Provision
Fruit and fresh drinking water are available in each session for all children at no additional cost.
For those children staying for a full day, a hot meal can be ordered at a cost of £2.35 per day, please see details of how to order and pay online on our School Meals Page. Alternatively, you can provide your child with a healthy packed lunch.
All sessions operate term time only, alongside the school term dates.
We take new admissions throughout the year. Please contact Mrs. Yannick in the school office for more information on 01202 574452 or alternatively on pre-schoolheathlands@coastalpartnership.co.uk, who will be happy to make you an appointment or answer any queries.
Our Preschool is a balance of adult led learning opportunities and children's choices of play activities with qualified Early Years staff in the class and across the base.
Our Preschool offers a purpose built classroom, airy open plan facilities and outdoor play area which is shared with our Reception children. We also access our forest school area as much as possible as this teaches the children many of the skills they need to grow and learn whilst having fun together. Learning is planned for both the indoor and the outdoor areas. The children are encouraged to work collaboratively and independently. One of the most important things children learn at Preschool is to play and share with other children as they learn the social skills ready for school.
What will my child need to wear?
The children can choose to wear the school uniform of Heathlands and all of them wear their own clothes on Wednesday so they can explore the Forest School area "the Spinney". The children wear aprons for 'messy play' but can still get their clothes dirty from time to time, so no best clothes please! Further information is available on our parents section under uniform and dress code.
If you wish to apply for a place at our Preschool, you can either pick up a paper registration form from the school office or complete the registration form within this section and email it to pre-schoolheathlands@coastalpartnership.co.uk along with a copy of your child's birth certificate.
We look forward to welcoming you into the Heathlands family!
'What to Expect When', a parent's guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The purpose of the document is to help parents and carers find out more about how their child is learning and developing during their first five years in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS). It outlines the level of learning and development that children are expected to have reached by the end of their Reception year at school. It can also be used to support learning and development at home as it details, at the beginning of each age band, what you can do at home to support your child's learning.
Please click on the link below to access the document
Terms & Conditions
1.00 Child Care Places. Local Authority 15 and 30 hours Childcare funding for 3 and 4 year olds is available for those children who are eligible under the scheme. The funding is subject to the current and applicable rules and regulations as set out by each Local Authority.
2.00 Fees. The following charges apply to those parents accessing LA funding:
2.1 Hours booked over and able the entitlement under a funding scheme will be charged at the current prices.
2.2 Charges for additional extras provided which are not covered by a funding scheme.
2.3 Hot food can be provided upon request at an additional charge.
2.4 We will invoice parent/carers monthly in advance for the following calendar months fees, which will be due within 5 working days of the date of the invoice.
2.5 All sessions booked must be paid for regardless of whether the child attends. No refunds will be given for sessions missed due to sickness or holidays.
3.0 Attendance: There is an expectation of regular attendance and if this is not met, we reserve the right to withdraw your child's place in accordance with the Local Authority Funding Agreement.
4.0 Parent's Commitments & Responsibilities:
4.1 You must collect your child in person. If you arrange for someone else to collect your child, then you must contact the school office prior to collection to inform us of the arrangements and obtain a password if appropriate.
4.2 Parent/carers must telephone the school by 9.15 am to report any absence due to sickness or medical appointments. There is a dedicated telephone line available 24/7.
4.3 To advise the school in writing of any changes to details provided in the enrolment form before changes taken place or as soon as possible.
4.4 Notify the school & nursery of any allergies your child may have, or develops, whilst they attend the nursery and provide the necessary prescribed medication (e.g. Piriton/Auto injector).
4.5 To inform the school if you are planning to move your child to another setting and to give the required 4 weeks notice in writing.
4.6 Any requests for changes to session times must be made, in writing, via the school office.
5.0 Ratio - the maximum number of children per session (AM or PM) will be 26, with a staff ratio of 1:8.